Changing Weather and Climate in the Great Lakes Region: A University of Wisconsin-Madison MOOC
The University of Wisconsin-Madison invites you to join us February 23, 2015 for a unique, free online learning experience: our Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Changing Weather and Climate in the Great Lakes Region.
The 4-week MOOC will feature a new season each week through short lectures and activities covering Great Lakes weather, observed changes in the climate, and societal impacts of climate change. The course will share important data in addition to focusing on people and communities adjusting to climate changes. And to slow the rate of future climate change, we'll share actions you can take that benefit you and everyone who loves the weather and climate of the Great Lakes Region.
MOOCs are free, non-credit, online learning opportunities, which are available to anyone interested in learning with us. They are one of the many ways UW-Madison extends our lifelong learning and outreach mission to new audiences.
Changing Weather and Climate in the Great Lakes Region is the 2nd of 6 MOOCs being offered in 2015. All learners are welcome and encouraged to participate!
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2015 UW-Madison MOOCs Changing Weather and Climate in the Great Lakes Region :: Feb 23-March 31 Shakespeare in Community :: April 26-May 23 Energy and the Earth :: June 21-July 18 Forests and Humans: From the Midwest to Madagascar :: Sept 30-Dec 28 Climate Change Policy and Public Health :: Nov 9-Dec 4 | |
Questions? Click to contact us > | |
UW-Madison :: UW-Madison MOOCs |
Innovations technologiques, nouvelles tendances, etc. de la fourche à la fourchette ...des idées à cultiver!
Olivier Fourcadet
Professeur à l'ESSEC Business School
jeudi 11 décembre 2014
Apprendre comment le climat évolue dans le midwest et les adaptations requises...
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